DATOS experts have vast amounts of experience in laboratory strengthening through implementing quality management systems based on ISO 15189, the international standard for quality and competence of medical laboratories. We use this experience to assist other laboratories with the implementation of the ISO 15189 requirements.
National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory of Benin.
Medical Laboratories and ISO 15189
The introduction of quality management systems is a key laboratory strengthening activity, increasing both performance and capacity of the medical laboratory. The requirements to a quality management system for medical laboratories are formulated in the international quality standard ISO 15189 (titled: ‘ISO 15189 Medical laboratories — Particular requirements for quality and competence).
DATOS’ unique mentoring approach
We have developed a unique approach for mentoring of medical laboratories all across the world. And this paid off: over the past years our experts have mentored laboratories in, among others, Myanmar, Laos PDR and Sierra Leone with the implementation of quality management principles. DATOS also developed movies about the importance of quality management in health laboratories for the World Health Organization.
In this movie laboratory scientists from all over the world tell about the importance of implementing a quality management system. This movie was developed by DATOS and partners for the World Health Organization.
Do you have questions about our work or would you like to get more information about our mentoring package for health laboratories?
Feel free to contact us!
Bargelaan 200
2333 CW Leiden
The Netherlands
T +31 (0)71 760 1657